[Keepalived-devel] garp_master_delay - could someone clarify?
Gabriel Toth
2009-11-12 22:13:17 UTC
Manual states: delay for gratuitous ARP after transition to MASTER

I've tested it in this simple setup:

vrrp_instance VI_1 {
state BACKUP
interface eth0
virtual_router_id 51
priority 100
advert_int 1
garp_master_delay 10
authentication {
auth_type PASS
auth_pass 1111
virtual_ipaddress {

When host changes to MASTER role, he garps immediately,
and after garp_master_delay seconds garps again.

I expect (and I need it as well) that garp will be sent only once
garp_master_delay seconds after becoming MASTER.

Simple solution should be remove the
line 628 in in vrrp.c vrrp_state_become_master function
where vrrp_send_gratuitous_arp(vrrp); - responsible
for immediate garp after becoming master is called.

After recompiling everything works as I expect, garp is sent out
only once delayed garp_master_delay seconds after becoming MASTER.

But I'm afaid that this immediately garp has the reason, and my change
is dangerous - or not ?.

